Ultimate Prayer Tote
Ultimate Prayer Tote
Ultimate Prayer Tote
Ultimate Prayer Tote
Ultimate Prayer Tote
Ultimate Prayer Tote
Ultimate Prayer Tote
Ultimate Prayer Tote
Ultimate Prayer Tote
Ultimate Prayer Tote
Ultimate Prayer Tote
Ultimate Prayer Tote

Ultimate Prayer Tote

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Our prayer totes are spiritual armor for Catholics to defend themselves against evil. They are tailored to give you the tools you need to grow in wisdom and love for Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother Mary. They are pivotal to begin and complete your journey to heaven. We have three different tiers of totes depending on your needs, desires or resources.

First tier is a Basic Prayer Tote created to give no more than essential information for novices just coming into the Church on how and what to pray or to give as a gift to enlighten someone about the Catholic Church.

The second tier is the Essential Prayer Tote which is great for prayer altars, enriches your faith, your love and understanding of God. A must have for returning Catholics. It contains booklets, pamphlets, images, DVD’s, a bible and more.

The third tier is the Ultimate Prayer Tote. It is outstanding since it incorporates more spiritual weapons and higher quality sacramentals. It will deepen your faith, love for God, Mary, the angels, saints as well as give you a greater history, knowledge and understanding of the Church. This makes a superb prayer altar, protection for your home and family, or simply to share with others.

For your convenience, use the tote to hold all your treasures. These totes are to be shared with family, friends or strangers. They are intended to encourage a prayer life and to spread the word of God and Our Lady. Everyone needs these weapons.



Everything in the tote is considered a sacramental. Sacramentals are designed to give graces to us through our devotion for the love of God. The stronger our devotion the more graces we receive.

They remind us Our Lord or Our Lady, and this creates an image in our mind that we have fallen short in God’s glory and have sinned. We then reflect on our sins and our sorrow for committing them.

It is always good to keep sacramentals around your home and on your person. They bring many graces to repel Satan and his evil spirits that are so strong nowadays.

Evil does not like sacramentals. Think of the Exorcist and Satan’s wrath for Holy Water or the crucifix. They are our full spiritual armour of God to fight the demons.

Use or Wear Sacramentals Daily

Examples of sacramentals are holy water, blessed oil or salt, medals, rosaries, the sign of the cross, prayers, scapulars, statues, crucifixes, candles, holy cards etc. All of these give graces. In the current times, we need all the graces we can receive. Put on your armour of God! Be battle ready!

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Blessed Items and Blessings

It is against canon law to sell blessed items. All of our Miraculous Medals come to us Blessed, and we give them to you FREE. They are not included in the tote price.

We suggest you take your tote to a catholic priest and have it blessed. Also, ask him to put an exorcism blessing on the items. If possible, have the priest come to your home and bless your house and its belongings. 

If you are unable to have your kit blessed by a priest, the Church allows you to invoke a blessing yourself. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (paragraph1669) teaches that lay people, because of their baptismal priesthood, may administer certain blessings. Yes, we can bless sacramental ourselves. However, it is best if a priest or deacon blesses items concerning ecclesial and sacramental life.

There are many forms of blessings long ones, short ones, and super short ones. There are also many variances depending on what or who is to be blessed. As well as ones just for rosaries, scapulars, homes etc. However, it is very simple to bless things and people. You can look them up in a Book of Blessings.

Here is one formulary for religious articles:
While making the Sign of the Cross over your tote, say:
Lord show us your mercy and love. And grant us your salvation

Then read a short text of Scripture such as:
Romans 8:26b-27
"For we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groanings. And the one who searches hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit, because it intercedes for the holy ones according to God’s will."

Then with hands outstretched over the tote say:
May the merciful Lord enliven and strengthen by His blessing (make a sign of the cross with you hand over the tote) the spirit of devotion and filial love in your hearts, so that you may walk blamelessly through this life and happily reach life everlasting. Amen.

A very short blessing:
Make the sign of the cross over the tote while saying this:
May this tote and the one who uses it be blessed, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Don't forget to sprinkle Holy Water over the items!

Tote Items

1 6-9” Statue of Our Lady - Resin - Select Our Lady of Grace or Fatima
1 6-8” Statue of Jesus - Resin - Select Sacred Heart or Divine Mercy
1 8-9 1/2” Crucifix - Resin - Select - standing or wall
4 Door Crucifixes - 3 St. Benedict (2 2" brown enamel & 1 3" white enamel) 1 4" olivewood
1 Bible – soft Leatherette - Douay-Rheims or RSV-CE or no Bible
2 Brown Scapulars - 1 w/small Crucifix & St Benedict medal, 1 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
1 Green Scapular with Leaflet
1 100% Beeswax Candle
4 Rosaries - 1 St Benedict 8 mm, 3 6/8 mm with Cases
1 Holy Water Bottle 8 oz - Empty - No Water
1 Holy Water Bottle 1 oz - Empty - No Water
1 Holy Water Font – Laser Wood - Empty - No Water
1 Small Glass Bottle for Oil - Empty - No Oil
1 1/4 cup Sea Salt

4 St Benedict Medals 2 -1" & 2 - 3/4"
3 Miraculous Medals - Blessed -1 on History Card 
1 Medal of a Saint
2 Pardon Crucifixes
8 DVD’s
1 St. Joseph Magnet
31 Pamphlets / Prayer Cards
36 Booklets 
5 Divine Mercy Cards
4 8x10 frameable pictures on stock paper - Divine Mercy, Sacred Heart, Our Lady of Grace and Immaculate Heart of Mary
1 Large Tote - Madonna & Child with Angels on front, Woman with infant on back
Information packet - 3 Days of Darkness, Holy Water, St. Benedict Medal, Pardon Crucifix, Blessed Oil, Blessed Salt and Tote Instructions

You may receive additional items in your tote as extras!

Picture above may not be 100% accurate, but item list is correct.


*The bottles for oil and holy water are empty there is no liquid in them. Please fill with oil before having your kit blessed and fill the holy water bottle from your church's holy water dispenser. Thank you for your understanding

Do to the supply chain issues, some of our suppliers have informed us that some items are on backorder or out of stock for months. Therefore, we reserve the right to substitute these items with an equal or greater value of the same type item. You will not be short changed in any way. For instance, a 6” resin statue of Our Lady for a similar 6” resin statue of Our Lady. It will be as similar as possible and price point and size will be the same. If anything, the advantage will always go to you the consumer.

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