Litany of Baptismal Promises
(For personal use only)
This Litany, based on the Baptismal Promises and the Ten Commandments, was written for the purpose of reflecting upon one's true commitment towards renouncing Satan, his allurements or temptations in 21st century.
I promise to reject the worshiping of idols, Strengthen me Lord Jesus
I promise to reject all affiliation with heresies, Strengthen me Lord Jesus
I promise to reject all affiliation with schismatic groups, Strengthen me Lord Jesus
I promise to reject the perception that all religions are equal...
I promise to reject all recourse to mediums...
I promise to reject all attempts to tame occult powers...
I promise to reject the practicing of magic and sorcery...
I promise to reject all involvement in the occult...
I promise to reject all involvement in new age practices...
I promise to reject all involvement in astrology and horoscopes...
I promise to reject all forms of gambling...
I promise to reject the belief that one can be saved by good works alone...
I promise to reject the using of the Lord’s name in vain...
I promise to reject the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit...
I promise to reject the making of a vow without first consulting a spiritual director...
I promise to reject the desire not to go to Church on Sunday and holy days...
I promise not to do unnecessary work on Sundays and holy days...
I promise not to receive Holy Communion while in a state of mortal sin...
I promise to reject all forms of disrespect towards my parents...
I promise to reject all forms of disrespect towards family members and relatives...
I promise to reject all forms of disrespect towards my friends and co-workers...
I promise to reject all forms of disrespect towards all those with whom I come in contact...
I promise to reject all forms of disrespect towards lawful authorities, both religious and civil...
I promise to reject all forms of disrespect towards those under my authority (employers)...
I promise to reject all participation in social injustice...
I promise to reject all forms of murder, direct or indirect...
I promise to reject the death penalty...
I promise to reject all unjust wars...
I promise to reject all support and participation in abortions...
I promise to reject all support and participation of birth control...
I promise to reject all support and participation in euthanasia...
I promise to reject suicide and assisted suicide...
I promise to reject Living Wills that promote the denial of basic needs...
I promise to reject acts of cowardice when required to defend my country in just wars...
I promise to reject the sins of hatred and anger...
I promise to reject the sins of jealousy and quarreling...
I promise to reject the sin of adultery...
I promise to reject the sin of fornication with either sexes...
I promise to reject the sin of prostitution...
I promise to reject the rape of women...
I promise to reject the sin of sodomy...
I promise to reject all forms of lust and impurity...
I promise to reject all forms of pornography...
I promise to reject polygamy...
I promise to reject all non-Sacramental marriages...
I promise to reject all second marriage lacking an annulment...
I promise to reject same sex marriages...
I promise to reject all forms of child abuse...
I promise to reject all forms of abuse of the elderly...
I promise to reject the abuse of those who suffer a mental or physical disability...
I promise to reject the abuse and torture of prisoners...
I promise to reject the sin of stealing...
I promise to reject the destruction of the property of others...
I promise to reject the manipulation of the price of goods for my profit...
I promise to reject the influencing of the judgment of those who make decisions...
I promise to reject the doing of poor work for my employer...
I promise to reject all forms of tax evasion...
I promise to reject the forgery of cheques and Invoices...
I promise to reject the defrauding of others...
I promise to reject excessive spending and wasting...
I promise to reject the misuse of Church and public funds...
I promise to reject the bearing of false witness against my neighbor...
I promise to reject the damaging of another person’s reputation...
I promise to reject the telling of the faults and misdeeds of others...
I promise to reject all forms of boasting or bragging...
I promise to reject the disclosing of confidential information that is confided to me...
I promise to reject the distorting of the truth (journalists)...
I promise to reject the desiring of my neighbor’s spouse...
I promise to reject the envying of the good fortune of another...
I promise to reject the desiring of earthly goods without limit...
I promise to reject the wishing of poverty on someone in order to attain his goods...
I promise to reject the sin of pride...
I promise to reject the uncontrolled consumption of food...
I promise to reject the uncontrolled drinking of beverages...
I promise to reject all forms of sorrow over another’s good fortune...
I promise to reject the thoughts of not providing financial support to my Church...
I promise to reject all laxity in keeping my faith in the Catholic Church...
I promise to reject the lack of practice of virtue...
I promise to reject all false apparitions condemned by local Catholic Bishops...
I promise to reject all forms of disobedience to my Bishop...
I promise not to support politicians who oppose Catholic teachings...
I promise to reject the abuse of alcohol and drugs...
I promise to reject the illegal distribution of alcohol and drugs...
I promise to reject any involvement in pollution...
I promise to reject genetic engineering...
I promise to reject the abuse and torture of animals...
I promise to reject my personal interpretations of the Holy Bible...
Lord God, renewing my baptismal promises, I renounce the devil, his allurements or temptations, and promise to live according to the teachings of Christ and His Church. Take me under Your protection and grant me sufficient grace to battle the forces of evil until my last breath.
You see Lord, “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” [Rom. 7:15]
My “spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” [Mt. 26:41]
I ask this through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.