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Feast Days in March

The month of March is wonderful month! When you think about it, it is one of the holiest months of the year. There are so many feast days of great, great saints to celebrate in this month. We have:

Sts Perpetua & Felicity on the 6th
St. Thomas Aquinas, on the 7th
St. John of God on the 8th
St. Frances of Rome on the 9th
St Pope Gregory the Great on the 12th
St Louise de Marillac on the 15th
St. Patrick on the 17th
Our Lady of Mercy on the 18th
St. Joseph on the 19th
St. Benedict on the 21st
Our Lady of Victory on the 23rd
St. Gabriel the Archangel on the 24th
Annunciation on the 25th
St. John of Capistrano on the 28th 

What a glorious month to celebrate during Lent. Pray for the intercession of these saints to assist us in this enormous time of need we now have in the world.

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